PO box 23543 Richfield, MN 55423
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the position of the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota. They are the views of the article’s author.
Product and service information is provided as a resource only and not as an endorsement of a particular product or service.
Catalina Martinez, Editor
Barb Appleby,
Marian Haslerud,
Michael Lauf: Web Administrator
Phone numbers of note:
SSB main number (651)539-2300
ACBM (612) 223-5543 Leave Message
Apple support for people with disabilities (877) 204-3930
Microsoft support for people with disabilities (800) 936-5900
Comcast support for persons with disabilities (855) 270-0379
You can use a search for three asterisks to move from article to article.
Table of Contents:
President’s Message by Janet Dickelman
A Guide Dog’s Night Before Christmas by: GDB puppy raiser Jill Savino
Message From the Editor by Catalina Martinez
A Bright Yard for the Holidays by Patti Slaby
An Unforgettable Trip by Barb Appleby
From Your Treasurer by Patty Slaby, Treasurer
January Party by Michael Malver
Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library Updates by Catherine A. Durivage, Library Program Director
Exciting updates for our January quarterly meeting By Janet Dickelman
The Recipe Corner
Peanut Clusters in the Crockpot by Jennifer Dubbin
Russian Tea cakes By Barb Appleby
The Crafty Corner
Christmas Tree Dish Towel by Pattern Paradise, all rights reserved
Christmas Ornament Dishcloth Designed by Emily Jagos
2022 Minnesota Audio Dart Association Tournament by Sam Jazman
Off-Kilter Cabaret by Off-Leash Area
Officers and Board of Directors
ACBM Standing Committee Chairs
President’s Message
By Janet Dickelman
I am looking forward to reading all your holiday recipes and memories in our December Minnesota Memo. Hopefully 2021 has been a good year for each of you. For ACBM 2021 was a year of transition. We began the year with an extremely successful virtual state convention and auction. Although we were not able to meet in person holding our convention via Zoom allowed attendees from other states to participate, and they did!
Out of fifty-eight registered attendees approximately one fourth joined us from out of state.
We continue to hold bimonthly zoom calls hosted by our membership committee on varying topics of interest that are attended by not only ACBM members but others from out of state.
We were able to return to in-person membership meetings and held our picnic and summer auction. It was so nice seeing many of you in person again! We will begin 2022 with a holiday party at Country Inn and Suites in Woodbury, read the article by the social committee for additional details. Although masks, distancing and Covid awareness are still in the forefront of our minds we are moving in the right direction.
Wishing each of you an incredibly happy holiday season, however you celebrate this is a joyous time of year! My Christmas wish for each of you is for health, happiness and well- being, for me personally it is completing my remodeling project!
A Guide Dog’s Night Before Christmas
By: GDB puppy raiser Jill Savino
Twas the night before Christmas, the kennels were still,
with most dogs asleep, having eaten their fill.
The labs were sprawled out, quite snug in their beds,
While visions of milk bones danced in their heads.
The Goldens and Labs were curled up on the floor,
some twitched in their sleep and some even did snore.
The dog food was stacked in the feed room with care,
in hopes that a trainer soon would be there.
Off by the window, a kennel cat lay,
surveying the lawn at the end of his day.
Something was different, that little cat knew –
something would happen, it had to be true.
That day as the workers had left to go home,
they had wished “Merry Christmas” before starting to roam.
The dogs had all noticed that during their walks,
the trainers seemed happier and eager to talk.
In the mall where they worked amid people and stores,
there were decorations, music, distractions galore!
Most dogs pranced along without worry or fear,
some balked at the man with those fake-looking deer.
The cat was near sleeping when he first heard the sound,
a whoosh through the air and a jingle abounds.
The sound of a collar when an animal shook,
but the sound just kept growing – he had better go look.
From the ceiling there came a kind of a think,
As the kennel cat climbed up on a pile of junk.
But the dogs were still quiet, all sleeping so sound,
as this man dressed in red made his way to the ground.
He patted the cat as he climbed past his spot,
then made his way right to the old coffee pot.
A Labrador sat up, not fully awake,
then a golden soon followed with a loud shake.
That did it…the dogs filled the kennel with noise,
but despite the din, the old man kept his poise.
He filled the pot full, and it started to brew,
then he pulled up a chair and took in the view.
Dogs all around him, so carefully bred,
he knew well their jobs, and the people they led.
Some had stopped barking and looked at him now,
while others continued their deafening howl.
Laying a finger in front of his lips,
the jolly old man soon silenced their yips.
He smiled, laughed, and took a short pause.
“You may not know me, but I’m Santa Claus,”
He filled up his mug with hot coffee and cream,
and said, “Meeting you all has been one of my dreams.”
The cat jumped down to explore Santa’s pack.
He said, “Sorry, kitty, I’ve emptied my sack.”
Santa smiled, drank, looked in their eyes –
deep brown and gold, all wide with surprise.
Some of these dogs he had seen just last year,
All in their homes – cute, full of good cheer.
He had seen the effect of a pup on a tree,
but now they were here, just waiting to be.
“I didn’t bring presents or bones to chew.
But I will tell you what is better – and what you are to do.
You will all worked hard, and the trainers will share,
both praise and correction, gentle and fair.
You will go lots of places and face scary things,
you will ride buses, planes, and hear sirens ring.
Cars will drive at you, you will know what to do,
Moving from danger, not moving into.
Then, when you think your trainer’s the best,
the kindest, and funniest, just toss all the rest.
That trainer will leave you, and give you away,
handing your leash over despite your dismay.
The one who will feed you might see just a tad,
Or it is just that their focus is bad.
So, you little buggers will work as their eyes
To be a talented team and discover the prize.
The prize is not kibble, or even new toys,
It is leading your partner, you good girls and boys.
Santa sipped coffee, looked over the brood,
But what he said next seemed just a bit rude.
“Some may not make it and won’t become guides.
But time here is not wasted, no casting aside.
Some will be drug dogs, and some will find bombs,
some will be pets with new dads and moms.
When the last drop of coffee had gone from his cup
Santa turned and smiled at each wide-eyed pup.
“The best gift of all is to give something back.
And that is why there is nothing for you in my pack.
Draining his mug, he went to each pen,
Petting and scratching each dog yet again.
“The following years, even more after that,
you will all give great gifts wherever you are at.
You might lick a hand on a dreadful day,
or notice a car and step out of its way.
You might catch a crook or discover some loot,
bring joy to an old man in a funny red suit.
Your master will love you and treat you with care,
knowing your training will always be there.”
After the last had been petted and soothed,
He rinsed out the mug and made ready to move.
To the ladder he climbed for the door high above,
with a smile and a wave as he slipped on his glove.
All the dog’s ears were pricked as he flew out of sight,
Saying, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
Message From the Editor
By Catalina Martinez
First, I would like to thank my two co-editors, Barb Appleby, and Marian Haslerud, for all their help and great ideas.
We will start rolling out the Minnesota Memo 4 times a year, March, June, September, and December. If you would like to have a column of your very own, please contact me at 612-227-3011.
The next deadline for submissions is March 10,2022.
A Bright Yard for the Holidays
By Patti Slaby
Welcome to my yard. As you come down the street, past the park that is my neighbor, you first see three spiral trees, two with colored lights: the other with white lights. Look up and you will see lights along the roof. Between the two-bedroom windows is a bright lit “Merry Christmas” sign.”
Back to the front, the windmill has lights around it and a circle of lit candy canes surround the windmill. Next you see Santa sitting on the engine of his 3-car train heading out to deliver. Behind that is a wooden sled with a plastic lit bear being pulled by one tall reindeer and two smaller ones leaving the North Pole. I have not found an outdoor lit Santa yet.
On the edge of the driveway by the garage is a North Pole lit sign with lit gifts below it on the ground along with the sign saying, “Happy Holidays.” The garage door has lights. On the little porch by the front door stands a pair of homemade wooden skis and a lit 3-foot bow on the railing. Along and below the living room windows there are elves, snow people and gifts. One more eye-catching display and the most important part of my Christmas and my Christian life is a lit Holy Family set.
So, it is Camera, Ready, Action! Oh, timers take care of knowing when to light up the display and when to shut it off for the night.
Many people drive by slowly, stop to enjoy, and sometimes even wave if a person is seen in the house. It is my way of sharing joy with my community as many people enjoy our effort. My friend George, who comes to the meetings with me tells me He is not for hire and only does this for one person. I am the _lucky _one.
I wish each of you a joyous holiday season however you spend it and the best to you in 2022.
An Unforgettable Trip
By Barb Appleby
My friend and I just got back from the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. Our trip lasted 7 days on a small cruise ship holding thirty-six passengers and about twenty-five crew.
The first day out we got on a ZODIAC, a small boat that is like a rubber raft with a motor and landed on the beach. This beach had red sand and had many animals., Seals were laying on the beach nursing their young and playing around. We could get about a foot from them but not able to touch them, it was so hard not to. Also, there were Penguins, land and Marine iguana, Sea Turtles, and many birds. If you were snorkeling you would see sharks, Marine iguanas about five feet long and penguins swimming. The Penguins were about as big as a pop can and could swim so fast that you hardly knew they swam buy. We had Naturalists with, and they explained how the Islands formed. They all have volcanoes, and some are still active. These islands can form from the underneath building new layers of volcanic ash.
The next days were going to different island. Some had black beaches and powder sugar sand. Again, seeing many Seals and their young. Birds, like the Blue Boobie which are only found in these islands. And the non-flying Camarons. Also, Mockingbirds, flamingos, and many other species.
Then we saw the giant tortoises some weighing five hundred pounds. They were in mating season and saw a 500-pound male clime on top of a small female about 150 pounds. When he was done with her, she got out from underneath and took a run to get away from him.
did not encounter many people only two islands have people about 30,000. The people were genuinely nice They spoke Spanish and some English. And the towns were exceptionally clean. Plastic is there enemy, and they are making great strides to eliminate plastic products, which is killing the sea animals.
This was a trip of a lifetime and worth every penny.
From Your Treasurer
By Patty Slaby, Treasurer
It is the holiday season and time to remind you that your 2022 ACBM dues are due. You have until February 28th to have them submitted.
There are several ways to manage your dues’ process. I wish to begin by thanking so many of you who have already paid. For you and for everyone else I need to have your membership information. For those who have paid, I will call you to obtain the information. I have attended calls with other treasurers, and we are not to put anything on the AMMS forms without your input. I am not to copy from years past.
Next if you choose to pay by PayPal, you can do so on the website. Go to ACBMINNESOTA_ORG and find the link that says Join/renew.
If you do not wish to complete the form, just call me and we can do it together. You will notice there are two new sections. You can make your choice which does include I do not wish to answer. If you have any questions, please by all means contact me.
You can also send a check for $15.00 to our PO Box and complete the form and mail it in. If you wish to complete it via phone, please call. If you have someone complete your check, please put a note in the envelope with the name of the member sending the money.
You can also pay using your credit card. Just call me, I will take your information, put it in the bank via Square and immediately destroy your information. Then we can complete the form.
PayPal and Square do require a fee and there is an option of adding $1.00 to help defray the cost.
This is a lot of information.
Here is my information for your convenience.
Landline 608 323-3614
Cell 715 497-9845
`Thank you for your continued involvement in ACBM.
January Party
By Michael Malver
The social committee of the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota cordially invites you to our January party.
Where: Country Inn & Suites
6003 Hudson Rd,
(651) 739-7300
When: Friday Evening, January 28.
Why: Because it seems like there are tons of social things to do in December, but few in January.
What: an evening of fun. Start with a pizza dinner from Green Mill, which will be provided in the meeting room where partiers will gather for the evening. Afterword, bring games to share. Do you have Uno, Shut the box, die/card games? Would you rather play iPhone games such as Dice World? Game playing is not your thing, and you would prefer to just hang out with friends. The hotel has a pool, so people could gather there if they prefer. It is an evening to get together, not talk about business, and enjoy each other’s company.
How much: The cost is $86 plus 7.25% tax for a hotel room should you choose to spend the night. When making your reservation. You need to state that you are with the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota. If you do not, you will not get the $86 rate which is a special for ACBM members. To get this rate, you must make your reservation by January 1. Please rsvp to
So, we know how many people to expect. We want to order the correct amount of pizza. And have enough snacks. $15 per person will be gathered at the door to defray the costs of the pizza dinner and snacks. We will be having a hospitality suite.
Thanks go to the members of the committee: Jennifer Dubbin, Gary Boettcher and Colleen Kitagawa who did most of the heavy lifting. Janet Dickelman was a major source of advice and did legwork to make this event possible. I hope to see you there.
Michael Malver ACBM Vice-president, Social committee chair.
Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library Updates
By Catherine A. Durivage, Library Program Director
MBTBL Highlights
General News
• We will remain closed to visitors and volunteers until sometime in 2022. However, we resumed being able to take live telephone calls in fall 2020 and introduced a new telephone menu system to help determine what type of calls are received and when so we can better meet your needs.
• We hired a new library technician in March 2021. Her name is Gail and if you have called us since March, you may have already spoken with her. Gail joins Kimberly and Jean as our other two librarian technicians. These folks are our first point of contact when patrons contact the library.
• A director of Libraries and Expanded Learning, Tami Lee, has been hired. She replaces Jen Nelson as the state librarian, who left in January to take a position at the New Jersey State Library. The braille and talking book library are part of this division within the Minnesota Department of Education. Ms. Lee’s first day was October 25, 2021.
Books on Demand/Duplication on Demand
• We transitioned audio book delivery to books on demand or duplication on demand for individuals in November 2020 and institutions in August 2021.
• With our books on demand service, we can place up to twenty-four titles on a single cartridge. In order to assist patrons in navigating multiple books on a cartridge, we have a video explaining how access the player’s bookshelf function on our website ( There are written instructions available as well.
• From October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021, we sent out 97,387 cartridges under our old way, which was sending books with one unique title on each cartridge, to sending out 179,980 titles on 62,399 cartridges. In other words, we sent out more titles on fewer cartridges because we now can place more than one book on a cartridge.
• The response to this change has been favorable, especially since we can send out new additions to the collection as soon as they are available on BARD. We no longer must wait to receive a physical copy of a title in the mail for us to send it out.
• We can also send many more titles in a series on a single cartridge, so, for example, if you wanted to read all nineteen books in the Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn, we can place them all on one cartridge. It is much easier for us to customize the books we send to you based on your reading preferences.
• Please reach out to us if you not receiving books of interest, if you want to increase or decrease the number of books you are receiving on each cartridge or if you need more cartridges sent, especially given some recent delays in mail delivery.
Volunteer Recording Program
• Because the pandemic affected our ability to offer onsite recording for our volunteer narrators, we introduced the option for our narrators to record at home. With the availability of free or low-cost commercial recording software, many of our volunteers have continued narrating materials for our collection.
• We are in the process of hiring a temporary employee to convert some of our previously locally produced audio cassettes and digital materials into BARD-ready titles, including several titles recorded for Radio Talking Book by State Services for the Blind volunteers.
• We are also working on creating text-to-speech audio recordings in addition to human-narrated materials.
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) Highlights
NLS Director
• Mr. Jason Broughton is the new Director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) at the Library of Congress. He started in his new role on September 13.
• Prior to joining the Library of Congress, Mr. Broughton was the first African American to serve as Vermont State Librarian. In this role, he engaged in strategic planning for the Department of Libraries and establishing a long-term vision for the State Library. Previously, Mr. Broughton held numerous positions at libraries in South Carolina and Georgia.
• Mr. Broughton earned his M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of South Carolina, a M.S. in Public Administration from the University of South Florida, and a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Florida A&M University.
(Source: News from the Library of Congress,
Braille eReader Pilot Project
• The braille eReader pilot project started in July 2021. Utah Regional Library is managing this project for Minnesota patrons.
• 47 Minnesota patrons are currently participating along with several other patrons across the country.
• Our patrons received the Human Ware braille eReader. Patrons in other states may have received the device manufactured by Zoomax.
• State Services for the Blind created an audio version of the NLS braille eReader Human Ware user guide. It is available on BARD as DBC24650 (
• Per Utah, their staff spends about 2 hours/day on support-related issues.
• Also, per Utah, our patrons seem to be doing well with the devices.
• The pilot is expected to run through March 2022.
• Delivery of future eReaders is contingent on resolving the supply chain issues affecting the entire country right now.
Braille Magazines
The following magazines are now available in braille:
• Cricket
• Dell Sunday Crosswords
• Knitscene (a knitting magazine)
• National Geographic Kids (also available in audio)
• Sports Illustrated Kids (also available in audio)
Readers Digest is currently available in both braille and audio. The braille version is available via hard copy braille and on BARD. If you want to receive any of these publications by mail, please contact us.
Next Generation Digital Player
• NLS received a prototype player in April 2021.
• They are calling the device, DA2, and it is based on the HumanWare Stratus.
• They are evaluating the software and button layout with the goal of launching a field test sometime in 2022. There are some questions about the user interface, especially around using the device to access BARD directly.
Locked Down Smartphone Field Test
• NLS ran a locked down smartphone field test from April 2021-September 2021.
• The goal of the field test was to determine the viability of offering a smartphone for listening to audio books.
• Eight regional libraries participated in the pilot and surveys were conducted throughout the pilot.
• Based on feedback, most of the respondents were not satisfied with the devices and felt they were not ready for distribution.
Smart Speakers
• The use of smart speakers, for example, Google Home or Alexa, to listen to audio books is still in the research and development stage at NLS.
• The goal is to offer a field test, later in 2022.
Marrakesh Treaty
• Thanks to the Marrakesh Treaty, NLS is now adding more foreign language books to their catalog than ever before. To help both patrons and network libraries locate these titles, NLS announced a new online publication: Foreign Language Quarterly (FLQ).
• FLQ, which will be posted on the NLS website ( every three months, and will feature a selection of the most popular foreign language titles recently added to the NLS collection.
Source: NLS Website (
Changes in Eligibility
• NLS recently changed who can certify the eligibility of applicants ( with reading disabilities to now include reading specialists, educators, librarians, and school psychologists in hopes of easing access to our services.
• We have updated our application ( to reflect this change.
BARD (Braille and Reading Download)
• NLS released a latest version of BARD Express in June 2021.
• BARD Express is a free Windows-based application that simplifies searching for, downloading, and transferring audio materials from BARD to a cartridge or a USB flash drive for playback on a digital player.
• BARD Express is available to download directly from your BARD account.
• BARD now offers new search tools for finding foreign language materials. You can even set your default language(s) to better find materials in languages you want to read.
NLS Future Goals
NLS recently shared with network libraries some of their upcoming goals, which include:
• Pilot evaluating a self-service dashboard for BARD users that will reduce the number of service requests to NLS’s support line.
• Continue pilot evaluating the new braille eReaders.
• Continue to pilot the next-generation digital talking-book machines.
• Creating and implementing an operating model that ensures higher levels of reliable braille service for patrons, including support for newly deployed braille eReaders.
(Source: On the Move, October 28, 2021)
MBTBL Future Goals
As we enter 2022, the library also has some ambitious goals, including resuming onsite activities for visitors and volunteers. In addition, we want to:
• Contact all new, current, and inactive patrons to discuss our services.
• Convert our in-house cassette and digital audio titles to be BARD-ready.
• Transition audio magazines sent by the library, e.g., Guideposts, to duplication on demand.
• Resume our in-person outreach activities and are looking at implementing some virtual outreach activities as well.
This list is by no means exhaustive, but simply a sampling of some of the activities we hope to accomplish in the coming year.
Exciting updates for our January quarterly meeting
By Janet Dickelman
Hello ACBM members and guests,
Our quarterly meeting will be held on Saturday, January 22 at Joseph’s
Grill 140 S Wabasha in Saint Paul. To ensure ample time for our speaker, bake sale and business meeting we are changing the meeting time.
Our social hour will begin at 11:00 and last until noon
lunch will be served at noon; and our speaker from VLR will talk with us during the meal.
The first leg of our bake sale will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 followed by 45 minutes for our business meeting. We will then auction the remainder of our bake sale items. We plan to be done by 3:15.
We realized how helpful it was at our state convention in January to have a list of our auction items in advance to send out so attendees could browse and think about their purchases. Although last minute submissions are welcome, we would like to compile a list of the bake sale items.
Please email Patty Slaby at or call her at (715) 497-9849 by Wednesday, January 19 to let her know what you will be bringing.
for example
Six chocolate chip muffins from the bakery provided by Mary or 2 dozen oatmeal cookies made by John.
During lunch we will have a return visit from Kate Grathwol, president and CEO, and Mariah Lossing
Director of Programs, Vision loss Resources to discuss their new location and provide any updates.
lunch choices:
two Ground Beef Tacos in a Deep-Fried Flour Tortilla. Served with Tortilla Chips and Salsa. Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese and Sour Cream on the Side.
grilled Portabella Mushroom on Focaccia Bread. Topped with Onion, Tomato, Lettuce, Artichokes, Pesto and Mayo. 3. Cheeseburger
3. Cheeseburger
Business meeting Agenda items:
committee reports
update on the 2022 midyear leadership seminar and the national conference and convention in Omaha
special reports from groups of special interest to ACBM members
additional items will be added to the agenda at the meeting.
Exciting news you may now select and pay for your lunch from our website, go to
You can even add in $1.00 to cover processing costs.
You can still e-mail Steve Robertson with your meal choices at
or call him at (612) 223-5543.
We would appreciate hearing from you by Sunday, January 16.
payment methods:
you may pay for your meal via PayPal at
send your payment to
Box 23543
Richfield, MN 55423
or pay by check or cash at the meeting.
cancellation policy: If you make a reservation and then find you are unable to attend, please call Steve by noon on Friday, January 21. If you cancel after that time, you will be responsible for paying for your meal.
We look forward to seeing you, bidding on your bake sale submissions and your participation in our January fund-raiser.
The Recipe Corner
Peanut Clusters in the Crockpot
By Jennifer Dubbin
Twenty-four ounces white almond bark
One German chocolate bar
One bag chocolate chip
Twenty-four ounces peanuts
Cook the first three ingredients in the crockpot for one hour on high.
Turned down to low and stir every 15 minutes for the next hour.
Add twenty-four ounces of peanuts and stir.
Spoon by spoon falls under cookie sheets and let set.
They said faster if you put them in the fridge.
Remove from cookie sheets and store in airtight container.
Russian Tea cakes
By Barb Appleby
1 lb. butter
One cup powder sugar.
Two cups chopped walnuts or pecans
2 tsp Vanilla
Four and ½ cups flour
Combined butter, vanilla, and sugar,
Add in flour
Add in nuts
Roll into balls Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes or until bottoms are brown. These cookies do not spread
Roll in powder sugar when cooled
The Crafty Corner
Christmas tree dishcloth to crochet
by Emily Jagos
Size: nine” x 9”
Materials: Red Heart Crème de la Crème worsted weight cotton yarn, one ball Hook US H/5.00 mm
Gauge: Not critical for this project but I got 14scx 15 Rows =4”
Abbreviations (US Terms):
Ch = chain
dc = double crochet
SC = single crochet
sly st = slip stitch
Bobble = Bobble Cluster = YO insert hook into designated set and pull up a loop, YO and pull through 2 loops, [YO, insert hook in same set and pull up a
loop, YO and draw through two loops] three times, YO and pull through all five loops on hook, ch1 to secure.
Weave ends as you work.
Stitch counts are in () at end of row/round.
Ch1 at beginning of row/round does NOT count as stitch.
Repeat instructions in [] or * as indicated.
Row 1: Ch28 loosely, SC in second Ch from hook and each remaining Ch to end. (27 sets throughout)
Rows 2 to 3: Ch1, turn, Sc in stoned.
Row 4 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first thirteen sts, Bobble in next set, sc in each set to end. (1 Bobble)
Row 5: Ch1, turn, Sc in st to end.
Row 6 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first twelve sets, Bobble, sc, Bobble, SC in each st to end. (2 Bobbles)
Row 7: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 8 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first eleven sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] two times, SC in each st to end. (3 Bobbles)
Row 9: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 10 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first ten sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] three times, Sc in each st to end. (4 Bobbles)
Row 11: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 12 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first nine sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] four times, Sc in each st to end. (5 Bobbles)
Row15: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 14 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first eight sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] five times, SC in each st to end. (6 Bobbles)
Row 15: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 16 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first seven sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] six times, SC in each st to end. (7 Bobbles)
Row 17: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 18 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first six sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] seven times, SC in each st to end. (8 Bobbles)
Row 19: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 20 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first five sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] eight times, SC in each st to end. (9 Bobbles)
Row 21: Ch1, turn, SC in st to end.
Row 22 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, SC first eleven sets, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] two times, SC in each st to end. (3 Bobbles)
Row 23: Ch1, turn, sc in st to end.
Row 24 (Bobble Row): Ch1, turn, sc first eleven sts, Bobble, [sc, Bobble] two times, sc in each st to end. (3 Bobbles)
Rows 25 to 27: Ch1, turn, sc in st to end.
Border Round 1 (Right Side): Ch1, [3sc in corner st, sc in each st to next corner], repeat between [] to end, join with sl st to first st. (112 sc)
Round 2: Sl st into corner st, ch1, working in back loop only, [3sc in corner st, sc in each st to next corner], repeat between [] to end, join with sl
st to first st. (120 sc)
Round 3: Working in back loop only, sl st into each st all around, join to first st. Fasten off.
This is an original pattern copyrighted by Pattern Paradise, all rights reserved. Please do not sell, print, or distribute this pattern in any form. You
are welcome to sell products you make from this pattern if you provide a link back to Pattern Paradise. You may not use the images contained in
this pattern. We take great care to make sure these instructions are as accurate as possible – if you find any errors, please contact us at
©Pattern Paradise All Rights Reserved -‐2 -‐
Christmas Ornament Dishcloth
Designed by Emily Jagos
Measurements: nine inches x 9 inches
100% Cotton Yarn, Worsted Weight, 2.5 oz
Size US 7 (4.5 mm) knitting needles
Cast on thirty-seven stitches.
Note: Border stitches are in parentheses () at beginning and end of each row should you prefer to substitute a different border.
Row 1: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 2: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 3: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 4: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 5: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 6: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 7: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 8: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 9: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 10: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K12, P5, K12 (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 11: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 12: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K10, P9, K10, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 13: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 14: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K8, P13, K8, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 15: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 16: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K7, P15, K7, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 17: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 18: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K6, P17, K6, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 19: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 20: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K6, P17, K6, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 21: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 22: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K6, P17, K6, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 23: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 24: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K6, P17, K6, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 25: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 26: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K6, P17, K6, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 27: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 28: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K7, P15, K7, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 29: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 30: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K8, P13, K8, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 31: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 32: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K10, P9, K10, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 33: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 34: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K12, P5, K12, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 35: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 36: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K13, P3, K13, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 37: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 38: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K14, P1, K14, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 39: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 40: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K14, P1, K14, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 41: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 42: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K11, P1, K2, P1, K14, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 43: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 44: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K11, P1, K2, P1, K14, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 45: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 46: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K12, P2, K15, (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 47: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 48: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 49: (K1, P1, K1, P1), P to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 50: (K1, P1, K1, P1), K to last four sts., (P1, K1, P1, K1)
Row 51: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 52: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 53: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 54: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Row 55: K1, P1 across, ending with K1
Bind off all stitches in pattern.
Copyright © Emily Jagos November 25, 2007
Copyright Information:
This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted, or distributed by any means without
By Marian Haslerud
The following is a list of events of interest. If you wish to add an event, please feel free to contact me. My information is as follows:
Phone number: 612-206-5883
ACBM board meetings: All meetings start promptly at 6:30 PM. The dates are as follows:
January 17, 2022; February 21, 2022; March 21, 2022; and April 18, 2022.
If you wish to attend contact Steve Robertson. His phone number is: 612-819-5222. His email is:
ACBM coffee will be held on January 8, 2022; February 12, 2022; March 12, 2022; and April 9, 2022, at Day-by-Day Café, located at 477 7th St. W., St. Paul, MN. An email with the exact time will be sent. The social committee will send emails regarding upcoming social events
Bowling is held every Saturday, at Memory Lanes. The address for the bowling alley is 2520 S26th Ave., Minneapolis, MN. Contact Linda Hoeppner for more information. Her number is 952-857-9958
Audio darts begins in September. For more information, contact Chris Peterson. His phone number is 507-271-9250.
The Minnesota Christian Fellowship will hold a meeting on February 12, 2022. W, Roseville at 12:00 noon for more information call Suzanne Pauluk. Her phone number is: 763-53507123.
Vision Loss Resources (VLR)has a calendar of events. For more information call the hot line at 612-843-3439.
Have a happy holiday season.
2022 Minnesota Audio Dart Association Tournament
By Sam Jazman
We are excited to announce the 2022 Minnesota Audio Dart Association Tournament! This tournament will take place
March 25-27, 2022. All dart boards at this tournament are fully accessible.
Tournament Requirements:
The Minnesota Audio Dart Association cares about all participant’s health and well-being. To protect all, participants and volunteers MUST show Proof of Vaccination to attend. You may do this by taking a screen shot of your Proof of Vaccination and texting it to Barb at (612) 245-2126 or copying and sending it by email to When sending your Proof of Vaccination, your birth date may be redacted. All Proofs of Vaccination are due by March 1, 2022.
Depending on the status of mask mandates in the City of Bloomington at the time of the tournament, the policy stipulated by the hotel will apply within the tournament area. Masks will be available for those who wish to wear them.
Tournament Location:
The tournament will be held at the Crowne Plaza Aire, 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN 55425. Note that for
GPS purposes, the address is 3401 American Boulevard, Bloomington, MN 55425.
Room Reservations
Room rates are $99.00 plus tax (14.53%) for single/double occupancy per night.
For overnight accommodations, call the Crowne Plaza Aire hotel directly at (952) 854-9000.
Reservations can be made starting October 28, 2021, and no later than March 1, 2022.
The tournament room rate is not guaranteed after March 1, 2022.
*****Inform the hotel when making your reservation that you are part of the Minnesota Audio Dart Association
Tournament Entry Fee and Cost:
Registration is $30 per event or $90 for all five events.
All entry fees are due March 1, 2022.
All entry fees received after March 1st are $40 per event or $100 for the entire tournament.
***Proof of vaccination is also due by March 1st.
The Masking requirement will depend on the mandates in place in the city of Bloomington, Minnesota and at the
Crowne Plaza at the time of the tournament. We will have masks available if someone chooses to wear one or one is
needed. The mask wearing is subject to change, the Proof of Vaccination is not.
Tournament Games:
All participants are required to wear a legal blindfold and furnish their own darts and blindfold. All blindfolds and
darts are subject to inspection and approval by the tournament organizers or sighted referee. This includes before or
during games.
Darts must be no heavier than eighteen grams and must have nylon tips.
The tournament will begin at 7:00 pm Friday night and should wrap up approximately 1:00 pm on Sunday.
Make a note of this end time when making travel arrangements.
The five games and start times are yet to be announced.
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner:
The hotel offers breakfast each morning from 8 to 10. Lunch is available from 11 to 1:30, and dinner is from 5 to 9pm.
The times are subject to change per the hotel.
***Note: we are currently negotiating to modify and expand the breakfast time.
Food and drink restrictions:
Food and drink may be brought into the banquet room (dart room) ONLY from the restaurant, in-house bar, and in-
house vending machines.
***No outside alcohol from anything other than the bar is allowed in the dart room. Failure to abide by this rule is
automatic barring from the entire/rest of the tournament.
Shuttle Service:
The hotel provides complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport and the nearby Mall of America.
The shuttle is not wheelchair accessible. Be aware there are two terminals at the Minneapolis (MSP) airport.
There are at least eleven airlines that fly into Lindbergh Terminal 1 and at least five that fly into Humphrey Terminal 2. The hotel shuttle picks up from but when returning to the airport, you need to know which terminal is your destination.
The approximate travel time by hotel shuttle is five minutes. When exiting your flight, ask for assistance or follow the signs to ground transportation.
Instructions for taking Light Rail:
You can catch the blue line from downtown or from the airport. If catching from downtown, call (612) 373-3333; choose Option 1 for an automated schedule or Option 2 to speak with someone. This will inform you which stop does not have construction and departure times. If coming from the airport, ask airport security or personnel to assist you to the Light Rail Blue Line. Catch the Blue Line from either Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 going south and get off at the American Blvd Station. Because of the complexity of this route, we recommend prior experience or assistance from American Blvd to the hotel. If you are planning to use the light rail, we suggest that you make prior arrangements with us to have someone meet you at the American Blvd platform.
For more information or any questions contact: or call Barb at (612) 245-2126
Registration Form:
Please return the Tournament registration form and fee to:
Sam Jasmine
13005 34th Ave N
Plymouth, MN 55441
Registration form can also be emailed to:
Payment must be received no later than March 1, 2022. Entry fees after March 1st are $100 for all events and $40 per
single event.
No checks will be accepted after March 1, 2022.
Make all checks payable to Sam Jasmine.
Please add Audio Dart Tournament in the memo line of your check. Remember to include a copy of your Proof of
Vaccination with your check if you have not already submitted it via email or text.
Please email or mail the name of your partner if you are planning to participate in the partner’s event.
An electronic payment option will be coming soon.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Off-Kilter Cabaret
By Off-Leash Area
(Minneapolis, MN) Off-Kilter is a new community program of Off-Leash Area to highlight and support performance work by artists with disabilities.
Artists are being sought now to present work at the Off-Kilter Cabaret June 9, 10, 11 and 12 at the Barbara Barker Center for Dance at the University of Minnesota. The space is a fully accessible black box theater with a floor-level stage, and the event includes accessibility accommodations such as sign language interpreting, captioning and audio description, as well as current protocols following CDC and state COVID guidelines such as physically distanced seating, masks, etc.
Artists with disabilities are asked to submit proposals by February 14 of a 5-to-10-minute piece they would perform on the theme “Organ Recital.” Off-Leash Area co-artistic director Jennifer Ilse says, “We hope to provoke artists to propose risky, unapologetic, and entertaining performances, using their body organs and systems as inspiration.” Seven artists or artist groups will be selected. The call for proposals will be available starting November 22, 2021, on the Off-Leash Area website: We will begin accepting applications January 3, 2022.
Off-Leash Area, under Ilse and co-artistic director Paul Herwig, has a history of more than 20 years of presenting original interdisciplinary performance work. The Off-Kilter Advisory Group and Selection Panel from the disability community also include writer and storyteller Amy Salloway, arts accessibility consultant Jon Skaalen, dance artist Mike Cohn, and Sam Jasmine, host of the Disability and Progress program on KFAI.
WHO Off-Leash Area: contemporary performance works
WHAT the Off-Kilter Cabaret: Organ Recital
WHERE Barbara Barker Center for Dance, University of Minnesota
DATES AND TIMES June 9 at 7:30pm
June 10 at 7:30pm
June 11 at 7:30pm
June 12 at 2pm
(Show duration 75 minutes)
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Application available November 22, 2021.
Begin accepting applications January 3, 2022.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: February 14, 2022
Officers and Board of Directors
President: Janet Dickelman, Saint Paul, MN
First term ending 2023 | (651) 428-5059
Vice president: Michael Malver
1st term ending 2022 | (612) 673-0664
Secretary: Jennifer Dubbin, Saint Paul, MN
1st term ending 2023 | (651) 334-8895
Treasurer: Patty Slaby, Arcadia, WI
1st term, ending 2022 | (715) 497-9849
Board Of Directors
Barb appleby, Maplewood MN
Final term ending 2022 | (651) 238-0015
Coleen Kitagawa, Richfield, MN
1st term ending in 2022 | (612) 964-2005
Therese Dahlberg, Eagan, MN
1st term ending 2023 | (612) 819-2904
Nancy Schadegg, Richfield, MN
Final term ending 2022 | (612) 798-5178
Dave Tanner, Burnsville, MN
1st term ending in 2023 | (952) 380-8088
ACBM Standing Committee Chairs
To reach any of our standing committees, see chair info below.
Membership: Nancy Schadegg (612) 798-5178
Budget: Patty Slaby (608) 323-3614
Advocacy: Michael Malver (612) 673-0664
Editorial Committee: Catalina Martinez (612) 227-3011
Social Committee: Michael Malver (612) 673-0664