Minnesota Memo Spring 2023

PO box 23543
Richfield, MN 55423
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the position of the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota. They are the views of the article’s author.
Product and service information is provided as a resource only and not as an endorsement of a particular product or service.

Catalina Martinez, Editor
E-mail: catalina229@gmail.com
Marian Haslerud,
E-mail: marian.haslerud642@gmail.com
Nicky Schlender
E-mail: kb0ouf@pcdesk.net

Michael Lauf: Web Administrator
E-mail: info@myeffectivesolutions.com

Phone numbers of note:
SSB main number (651)539-2300
ACBM (612) 223-5543 Leave Message
Apple support for people with disabilities
(877) 204-3930
Microsoft support for people with disabilities
(800) 936-5900
Comcast Support for Persons with Disabilities
(855) 270-0379

Table of contents
President’s Message By Janet Dickelman
Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library Location By Bobbie Burnham
7 Buzzing Facts About Bees By www.interestingfacts.com
Braille calendars
DC Leadership Conference 2023 By Jennifer Dubbin
The Job I Never Applied For By Tyson Ernst
Emergency and Urgent Care Resources By Veterinary Medical Center
National convention by Janet dickelman

Recipe corner
Mushroom Appetizer
Afternoon Apple Snacks

The craft Corner
Build Your Skills Dishcloth Set , Crochet Designed by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay
Build Your Skills Dishcloth Set, Knit Designed by Shannon Dunbabin

Calendar of Events By Marian Haslerud
Officers and Board of Directors
ACBM Standing Committee Chairs

President’s message
By Janet Dickelman

Hello everyone,

As I write this, we just finished our April Fool’s snowfall! I hope this is the last of it, although I’m excited that we are now in the top five snowiest winters! As long as we have to have a miserable winter, I say why not break records!

April is of course our election month, please read the article on nominations that was prepared by our nominating committee. It is wonderful to see many familiar and some new faces running for our open positions!

I have asked the membership committee chaired by Nancy Schadegg, assisted by Barb Applebee and Mike Vining to begin a new project. Each quarter they will be reaching out to all our members by phone to be in contact, and see if they have any questions, concerns or suggestions to bring to ACBM. It is important to bring in new members, but equally important to make certain our current membership feels heard. I remember a song from my days as a Brownie “Make new Friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold”
We are looking for another member for the membership committee, if you are interested, please let me know.

We have heard from members that they would like more social events, please let us know what activities you would enjoy ACBM organizing.
There have been many opportunities to advocate both at the state and federal level, this is an area where ACBM could be stronger. I’m hoping to see more legislative activity in 2023.

Whether I am elected president at our quarterly meeting or the gavel is turned over to someone else I’m always available to listen to any of your concerns.

Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library Location
By Bobbie Burnham
Assistant Commissioner, Office of Teaching and Learning

Dear Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library Advisory Board:

I’m writing to let you know about an upcoming change to the location of the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library (MBTBL). After years of thoughtful discussion and careful consideration of all options, the MBTBL will be relocating to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) building in Minneapolis. This move will take place on July 1, 2023.

This move was first considered several years ago, as MDE leadership discussed the need for modernized space for MBTBL and the advantages of being co-located with MDE colleagues. In addition, the Minneapolis location allows MBTBL to serve a larger audience from a centrally located, modern facility.

The new location will include space for staff, visitors, volunteers, a recording program, and a small collection of library materials. Due to the MDE building’s location, there is great potential for improved in-person access and mail delivery of materials to patrons. The new location allows for increased outreach opportunities with schools and the community and stronger relationships and collaboration with internal colleagues at MDE and other state agencies.

MBTBL has enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with the Minnesota State Academies for the Deaf and the Blind for nearly 90 years. The hard work of MBTBL and MDE staff over the years has transformed and advanced the lives of countless people who have benefited from our services. MBTBL staff members have the opportunity to retain their current positions at the new location.

We are grateful for your partnership.

Minnesota Department of Education
400 NE Stinson Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55413

7 Buzzing Facts About Bees
By www.interestingfacts.com

For thousands of years, humans have appreciated the sometimes-small, sometimes-bumbling bees that pollinate our crops and craft our honey. We’ve raised them in hives, featured them in art, and launched all-out campaigns to protect against colony collapse disorder, in which adult honeybees abandon the hive. Whether you’re a fan of the fuzzy, buzzing pollinators or happen to suffer from apiphobia (the fear of bees), these facts will give you a glimpse into their tiny yet fascinating world.

1. Bees Have Assigned Jobs
Bees feeding cells with honey honeycombs.Credit: knape/ iStock
Wild honeybee colonies vary in size, but the average hive managed by human beekeepers includes anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 bees, so it makes sense that these productive creatures have their own version of a chore chart. Each bee has its own role: Queens can lay thousands of eggs per day, while the worker bees cycle through various roles depending on their age. Some act as architects — using their wax glands to build honeycombs and more — and some will become foragers, who leave the hive to scout for nectar. Some bees even have the job of insect undertaker, removing dead residents to keep the hive clean and healthy.

2. Most Bees Are Female
A bee pulling nectar out of a flower.Credit: Gaurav Kumar/ Unsplash
Bees can be incredibly cooperative. Those that live in hives (like Apis mellifera, aka the honey bee) work together to build their homes, produce honey, and perform other necessary tasks. But most of these jobs are assigned to worker bees, who are all female and greatly outnumber drones, who are male and don’t actually do any work. In an efficiently running hive, drones are as little as 10% of the population. Another downside for male bees? Among most species, they can’t sting. Yet the drones play their part by leaving the community to mate with other queens, an important task for species biodiversity.

3. Bees Love Caffeine (Just Like Humans)
Bee on the edge of a coffee mug.Credit: John Arehart/ Shutterstock
If you’re over-caffeinated and overworked, you might be more like a bee than you realize. Research into how bees handle caffeine suggests that the stimulating chemical may help them pollinate more quickly and efficiently. In one study, caffeine-fed bees located and pollinated flowers faster than those working without a perk-up, which could be why some plants produce small amounts of caffeine to attract pollinators. But apiologists — bee scientists — have determined that caffeine also caused confusion among bees: They were more likely to rank caffeine-laced nectar as a better food source, even though it has no nutritional benefits over plain nectar.

4. Most Bees Are Solitary
Close-up of a solo bee.Credit: Boris Smokrovic/ Unsplash
Not all bees are social creatures; some live their entire lives as solo pollinators that burrow their homes in the ground instead of living in hives. Solitary bees are actually more common than hive bees, making up around 75% of all species. And these lonesome workers are incredibly important for ecosystems worldwide. Native bees are mostly solitary, and pollinate about 80% of the world’s plants — more than any other insect. (There are about 4,000 native bee species in the U.S.; notably, honey bees aren’t one of them, since Apis mellifera were introduced from Europe.)

5. Bees Can Vote
Swarm of bees in flight on a nice sunny day.Credit: 0 Lorenzo Bernini 0/ Shutterstock
Despite their microscopic brains — smaller than a grain of rice — bees are able to grasp complex social concepts like voting. Although hives are led by a queen, some decisions are made by the entire swarm, including relocating the hive to a new home. Older bees first scout for new real estate, sharing their top picks with other bees by dancing (their “waggle dancing” actually gives other bees directions to the site). More scouts will observe the recommended spot, then return to the hive to vote either for or against it with their own dance. With each wave of research, more and more bees vote by performing enthusiastic dances that give feedback until the entire hive agrees — displayed in a large-scale dance that signals consensus.

6. Carpenter Bees Don’t Actually Eat Wood
Tropical carpenter bee rest on wooden fence.Credit: Zety Akhzar/ Shutterstock
Big, bumbling carpenter bees resemble bumblebees in size, but they leave behind holes in wooden siding, benches, and other timber structures. Known for their ability to chew through wood, carpenter bees are often considered a nuisance. But they don’t eat wood the way termites do (they eat nectar instead). Amazingly, these bees bore holes purposefully and efficiently, creating tunnels that can be reused year after year for hibernation and other purposes. Female carpenter bees drill through wood, excavating chambers that act as nurseries for bee eggs; adult bees stock each tunnel with “bee bread,” a doughy food for new hatchlings, before sealing off the tunnel. Young bees emerging from their home will spend the summer feeding on nectar before returning to the tunnels they were born in to survive the winter.

7. Humans Have Observed Bees for a Long Time
Beekeeper working collecting honey.Credit: santypan/ Shutterstock
Thanks to honey, humans have had an interest in studying bees for some time, though some of our earlier observations were rather outlandish. Take, for example, Aristotle’s first writings about bees, which show the Greek philosopher believed they were created by flowers and that the queen bee was actually a king. And in the 1600s, beekeeping guides recommended making new bees by leaving slain livestock in a closed room to generate a new swarm. Today, we know that these theories are untrue, but also how incredibly important bees are to our habitats and food systems — which is part of why scientists work to keep uncovering new details about our pollinating partners.

My Experience At The Leadership Seminar
By Colleen Kitagawa

Wednesday March 8th I left Minneapolis for the leadership conference in Washington DC.
Jenn and I spent the day with Amelia Kitagawa. Amelia took us to the hotel and the 4 of us went out for dinner.
Thursday march 9th.
our first tour was to mount Vernon the home of President George Washington. we learned about the buildings George Washington and his family owned. This includes the houses of slaves and servants.
That night Jenn and I went to dinner with Cindy Laban from Maryland.
Friday march 10th
We went on our second tour.
We went to the white house visitor center. We got to feel like a model of the white house. We than saw a video that told all about the presidents.
and the first ladies. We also seen a table setting that told about some of the presidents favorite dishes.
In the afternoon we attended a rally for accessible money for the blind. We marched up Pennsylvania Avenue. I had the privilege of meeting a reporter who asked where I was from.
this was an amazing event I will never forget.
Saturday march 11th
our day started with a session.
The speakers were from the space telescope science institute. We learned about the frontiers of space and space astronomy.
we had tact tile panels on our table.
The second session was on national parks. We learned about how the parks are being made accessible for people who are blind.
Saturday afternoon Jenn and I took the train into DC. we went to the Smithsonian National museum of American history. While visiting the museum Jenn and I met a wonderful lady. her name is Andrea Lowther.
She is the director of visitor services. She took time out of her day to help us get around the museum. Sunday march 12th . The session was by President Dan Spoon Dan spoke on how things are changing as ACB grows and how we can improve relationships with staff and volunteers.
That afternoon we took a tour of the monuments. we went to FDR, Martin Luther king, Lincoln memorial , the Korean war memorial.
I had a wonderful experience at the leadership conference.
thank you for sending me to represent Minnesota.

Braille calendars

This notice is being shared with you so that you can contact your library to be subscribed for a braille calendar(s). Note that the calendars will not be available until mid-year. However, next year they should be available at the beginning of the year. You may provide the code listed in the notice to your library if they need it:
NLS will be producing two new braille calendars for 2023. The following are the circulation codes for the calendars:

• NLS Braille calendar, wall-sized, magazine code CAW1
• NLS Braille calendar, pocket-sized, magazine code CAP1

Calendars for 2023 are expected to be available by mid-July. Those calendars will extend through January 2024.

Going forward, subscribers will automatically receive new annual calendars when they are published.

DC Leadership Conference 2023
By Jennifer Dubbin

We arrived in Alexandria Virginia on a nice sunny 56-degree day. Day one started Thursday morning with a tour of Mt. Vernon, George Washington’s mansion. We toured several rooms on the first and second floors of the mansion. Back in those days the kitchen was separate from the mansion. The mansion had three floors but the third floor wasn’t accessible to the public. When George Washington died, Martha took a bedroom on the third floor. The mansion was located on the Potomac River. My favorite thing to do there was to sit on a rocking chair that had a fan on the rear of it and you pumped your feet on the rutters to make the fan go.
Day two, we went to the White House Visitor’s Center where we got to feel a model of the White House. The Oval room is located in the west wing. I was surprised to find out that former President Garfield’s favorite dish is squirrel soup. They also had a braille and tactile layout map of the White House. We watched a movie on the different presidents who have inhabited the White House. I learned that it had a fire in 1812 during the war. I bought a stuffed replica of former President Obama’s pet dog, Bo. He is a Portuguese water dog that they adopted in 2009.

We left the White House Visitor’s Center and went to the rally for accessible currency. It was a wet and cold day. Nevertheless, we Marched up to Pennsylvania Ave. that runs in front of the White House and then marched up to the US Treasury building chanting all the way “ACB” and “show us the money”. Colleen and I were interviewed by a local reporter. I got a great picture of Colleen and I holding one of the signs. Despite being wet and cold, we thoroughly enjoyed the rally. We later found out that the new $10 bill coming out in 2026 will have some kind of embossing on it.
Saturday, day 3, we had two sessions in the morning. The first was about the Webb Telescope and how the scientists use it to see other galaxies and stars. They had tactile tiles of something that the telescope saw. It had four or five different galaxies on it. The second session was done by the National Park Service. They talked about some of the accommodations that are made in their parks for people who are blind or have low vision. They brought in replicas of the Nurse’s statue from the Vietnam Memorial and a fist the size of Lincoln’s fist on his memorial. I shared that I had worked in Yellowstone National Park for 3 summers while I was in college. They also handed out free passes to National Parks.
After lunch, there was a tour of the Library of Congress but Colleen and I set out on an adventure of our own, to find the National Museum of American History. We took the train from our hotel to DC asking people along the way for directions. When we got to the museum, we advocated for ourselves and got a very nice lady, Andrea, to help us through the museum. We saw several artifacts including Prince’s guitar, the ruby red slippers from Wizard of Oz, Michael Jordan’s uniform, Cindy Lauper’s dress, Mr. Roger’s sweater, and the big one that was on my bucket list was Archie Bunker’s chair. We had a good time. We made It back to the hotel successfully.
The last day, Sunday, we had two sessions in the morning again. The first one was about ACB volunteers. They talked about how volunteers fit into helping with ACB events. The second session I went to was done by Human Ware. They talked about a new device they have developed called the Monarch. It’s geared toward blind students and has a 10-line braille display that can also show tactile graphics on it. It will be on the market for the next school year. In the afternoon, we went to see several memorials including the FDR memorial (which someone found a mistake in the braille on the wall quote), Martin Luther King memorial, the Lincoln memorial, the Korean War Memorial which is a wall of names of those who died during the war (it was just established in July of last year), and the Vietnam memorial which is also a wall of names of those who lost their lives in the war. We also got to see the Nurse’s statue of a nurse holding a fallen soldier. The neat thing about the Vietnam Memorial is that the wall starts shallow on both ends and rises in the middle. I’m 5’7” With a 52 inch cane and still couldn’t reach the top of the wall in the middle.
Overall, it was a great trip and I am honored that ACBM entrusted me to attend the 2023 Leadership Conference. I’ve always wanted to visit DC and am very glad that I had this opportunity. I met a lot of very nice people along the way.

The Job I Never Applied For
By Tyson Ernst

If you pay any attention to the news, you will inevitably hear unemployment is at a 50-year low. I have, as a result of feeling left out of the traditional employment market, decided to become an entrepreneur as a professional job applicant. Over the last year, I have created 20 candidate profiles, filled out nearly 100 online job applications, participated in 4 Zoom interviews, received a dozen rejection letters, and worst of all, had 3 postings I’m highly qualified for taken off the job board entirely after submitting my application. Talk about a blow to your self-esteem. From a 10,000-foot level, it appears the only job I’m qualified for is applying for jobs!

It feels as though I have created a full-time position where my job duties include researching the latest postings across traditional and non-traditional industries, draft both custom cover letters and resumes, and master the attachment function of Microsoft Outlook. Maybe I could make a web series on YouTube out of this, or possibly a blog, if only I could find the time to create a decent website. What do you think? “My life as a serial job applicant?” I’ll keep you posted.

Sometimes, you just have to reinvent yourself!

*This is a blog first posted on ACB Voices on October 18, 2022. To receive blog posts directly, subscribe HERE. To submit a blog post, send your 300-to-500-word submission to Voices@acb.org.

Emergency and Urgent Care Resources
By Veterinary Medical Center
University of Minnesota

Emergency and urgent care services throughout the region, including the University’s, frequently have more patients than they can handle, resulting in long wait times and temporary service closures until patient care capacity improves.

If the University of Minnesota’s Small Animal Emergency Service is temporarily closed or the wait time is too long based on the urgency of your pet’s concern, please use the list below to contact other local Emergency Services that may have shorter wait times. We strongly recommend calling in advance as these clinics may also be temporarily closed or experiencing long wait times.

Emergency Facilities:
Allied Emergency Veterinary Service – Anoka, MN 763-923-1200
Allied Emergency Veterinary Service – Minneapolis, MN 952-521-3030
Animal Emergency and Referral Center (24 hours) – Oakdale, MN 651-501-3766
Animal Emergency and Referral Center (24 hours) – St. Paul, MN 651-293-1800
Blue Pearl (24 hours) – Arden Hills, MN 763-754-5000
Blue Pearl (24 hours) – Eden Prairie, MN 952-942-8272
Como Park Animal Hospital and After Hours Veterinary Care (24 hours) – St. Paul, MN 651-487-3255
Blue Pearl – Blaine, MN 763-754-9434
Blue Pearl – Golden Valley, MN Temporarily Closed
South Metro Animal Emergency – Apple Valley, MN 952-953-3737
Urgent Care Facilities:
University of MN Veterinary Medical Center – Urgent Care Service – St. Paul, MN 612-626-8387
Access Veterinary – Urgent Care – Minneapolis, MN 763-390-4050
North Paws Veterinary Clinic – Maple Grove, MN 763-416-2029
Prior Lake Pet Hospital – Prior Lake, MN 952-447-2855
Southview Animal Hospital – Urgent Care – West St. Paul, MN 651-455-2258
Mission Animal Hospital – Eden Prairie, MN 952-938-1237
Allied Emergency Veterinary Service – Hudson, WI 715-502-4241
Animal Emergency & Referral Center of Minnesota – St. Paul, MN 651-293-1800
VetPartners Pet Hospital – Plymouth, MN 763-337-4433

Clinics Outside the Metro:
Blue Pearl – St. Cloud, MN 320-258-3481
Blue Pearl – Rochester, MN 507-424-3976
Blue Pearl – Duluth, MN 218-302-8000
Allied Emergency Veterinary Service – Eau Claire, WI 715-529-5900
University of Wisconsin Veterinary Care – Madison, WI 608-263-7600
Iowa State University – Lloyd Veterinary medical Center – Ames, IA 515-294-4900

Emergency Telehealth Service
When our Urgent Care and Emergency Services are beyond capacity or have long wait times, a video telehealth session with a veterinarian may help. VetTriage is an external company whose veterinarians are on standby 24-hours a day. go to https://vettriage.com/minnesota/ to get started.
If you do not have internet access or a device with a camera you can purchase a phone triage session with our vets by calling (800) 940-1921

Pet Poison Helpline logo
Pet Poison Helpline is a 24-hour animal poison control service available throughout the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean for pet owners and veterinary professionals who require assistance with treating a potentially poisoned pet. Contact 1-800-222-1222 or go to www.poison.org,

National Convention
By Janet Dickelman

Registration for the ACB Conference and Convention in Schaumburg will open on May 18th and run through June 16th. We are hoping that many of you will be able to travel to Illinois to attend in-person. At our quarterly meeting we will discuss sending members to the convention, the board recommendation is that anyone wishing to attend in-person will receive a $200.00 stipend. This could pay for most of your airfare or cover part of your hotel stay. In return we ask that you attend two sessions and provide a brief writeup for the fall ACBM memo.

The Craft Corner
Build Your Skills Dishcloth Set, Crochet
Installment 2
Designed by Shannon Dunbabin

Skill Level: EASY

Cascade Yarns® Nifty Cotton; 100% cotton; 100 g (3.5oz)/ 185 yds (169.5 m);
Shown in #12 Mint and #7 Soft Lilac. NOTE: One skein can make a total of 2 dishcloths.
US 6 (4.0 mm) knitting needles
Yarn needle
Finished Measurements:
Approximately 6″ wide x 6″ long
24 sts x 48 rows = 2″ (5 cm) blocked in garter stitch

BO = Bind off
CO = Cast on
K = Knit
K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together
P = Purl
SSK = Slip, slip, knit the two slipped stitches together
St(s) = Stitch(es)
YO = Yarn over

Dishcloth 3 — Moss Stitch

CO 36 sts
Rows 1-2: *K1, P1, repeat from * to end of row
Row 3-4: *P1, K1, repeat from * to end of row
BO all sts.
Weave in ends, block to 6″ square.

Build Your Skills Dishcloth Set, Knit
Installment 2
Designed by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay
Skill Level: EASY

Cascade Yarns® Nifty Cotton; 100% cotton; 100 g (3.5oz)/ 185 yds (169.5 m);
Shown in #13 Soft Blue and #12 Mint. NOTE: One skein can make a total of 2 dishcloths.
US H (5 mm) crochet hook or size to obtain gauge
Yarn needle

ch = chain stitch dc = double crochet
hdc = half double crochet rep = repeat
RS = right side sc = single crochet
sk = skip sl St = slip stitch
sp = space WS = wrong side
Finished Measurements:

approximately 8″ wide x 8″ long
7 sts x 8 rows = 2″ (5 cm) Blocked in sc stitch Pattern
Dishcloth 3—Double Crochet with Eyelets Ch 29
Row 1 RS: Dc in 4th ch from hook (first 3 chs count as first dc), dc in each rem ch across; ch 3, turn. 27 dc
Row 2 WS: Dc in each dc across; ch 3, turn. Row 3: Dc in each dc across; ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Sc in first dc, (ch 1, sk next dc, sc in next dc) across; ch 3, turn. 13 ch sps, 14 sc
Row 5: (Dc in next ch sp, dc in next sc) across; ch 3, turn.
Rows 6-15: Rep rows 2-5 twice, rep rows 2-3. Ch 1, turn to work down side of rows with RS facing.

Work 26 hdc evenly across ends of rows, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in corner, hdc across from foundation ch in each st across to corner, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in corner, work 26 hdc evenly across ends of rows, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in corner, hdc in each st across top of last row, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in corner, join with sl st in first hdc. Fasten off.
Weave in ends, block to 8″ square.
Dishcloth 4—Alternating Single & Double Crochet
Ch 28
Row 1 RS: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, (dc in next ch, sc in next ch) across; ch 2, turn. 14 Sc, 13 dc Row 2 WS: Dc in first sc, (sc in next dc, dc in next sc) across; ch 1, turn. 13 sc, 14 dc
Row 3: Sc in first dc, (dc in next sc, sc in next dc) across; ch 2, turn.
Rows 4-25: Rep rows 2-3 11 times. Ch 1, turn to work edging down side.
Work 25 hdc across ends of rows, work (2 hdc, dc,
2 hdc) in corner, work hdc in each st across from
foundation ch, work (2 hdc, dc, 2 hdc) in corner,
work 25 hdc across ends of rows, work (2 hdc, dc, 2 hdc)
in corner, work hdc in each st across last row, (2 hdc, dc,
2 hdc) in corner; join with sl st in first st.
Fasten off.
Weave in ends; block to 8″ square.

The Recipe Corner
Mushroom Appetizer
1 pound fresh whole button mushrooms
1/2 cup butter , melted
packet of dry ranch dressing mix
1-2 Tbsp fresh parsley minced (optional, for garnish)

1. Clean mushrooms thoroughly, then place in bottom of slow cooker.
2. Whisk ranch dressing mix into melted butter, then pour over mushrooms. Stir to coat.
3. Cover and cook on LOW for 3 hours. Check for desired tenderness, and cook a little longer if needed.
4. Serve garnished with fresh parsley if desired.

Afternoon Apple Snacks
I make this often but I leave out the honey and I use almond butter

An easy-to-prepare, nutritious snack made with apples, peanut butter, and
honey sandwiched between graham crackers.
Serves 6

2 Red Delicious apples
Lemon juice
1/2 cup chunky peanut butter
2 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
6 whole graham crackers

Core apples and cut each in half; cut each half into 3 wedges to make a
total of 12 wedges. Dip wedges in lemon juice to prevent browning and place
in a single layer on microwave-safe plate or baking dish. Cover loosely with
waxed paper and microwave on high (100 percent) 3 1/2 to 4 minutes or until
apples are tender and hold their shape. (If microwave does not have
carousel, rotate dish halfway through cooking.) Drain apples on paper

In small bowl, combine peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon. Snap graham
crackers in half to make 12 square crackers. Spread a layer of peanut butter
mixture on each of six square crackers; top each with 2 apple wedges. Top
with remaining graham cracker squares to sandwich snacks. Enjoy.

By Marian Haslerud

The following is a list of events of interest. If you wish to add an event, please feel free to contact me. My information is as follows:

Phone number: 612-206-5883
Email: Marianhaslerud642@gmail.com

ACBM board meetings: An email is sent to the announce list. It will give the date, time, and provide a zoom link to attend the meeting.
If you wish to attend contact Steve Robertson. His phone number is: 612-819-5222. His email is: Stevetrobertson4@gmail.com

ACBM coffee will be held on the second Saturday of each month, at Day-by-Day Café, located at 477 7th St. W., St. Paul. A second coffee event has been added. It will take place on the first Thursday of every month. The location is Ihopp located at 2231 Kilabrew Drive, Bloomington, MN. emails with the exact times of the two events will be sent. The social committee will send emails regarding upcoming social events

Bowling is held every Saturday, at Memory Lanes. The address for the bowling alley is 2520 S26th Ave., Minneapolis, MN. Contact Linda for more information. Her number is 952-857-9958

Audio darts is held on Tuesday evenings. For more information, contact Chris Peterson. His phone number is 507-271-9250.

The Minnesota Christian Fellowship meets once every three months. For more information call Suzanne Pauluk. Her phone number is: 763-535-7123.

Vision Loss Resources (VLR) has a calendar of events. For more information call the hot line at 612-843-3439.Have a wonderful spring.

Officers and Board of Directors
President: Janet Dickelman, Saint Paul, MN
Second term ending 2025 | (651) 428-5059
E-mail: janet.dickelman@gmail.com
Vice president: Steve Robertson, Minneapolis, MN
second term ending 2024 | (612) 819-5222
Email: stevetrobertson4@gmail.com
Secretary: Nicky Schlender, Minnetonka, MN
1st term ending 2025 | (612) 618-4335
E-mail: kb0ouf@pcdesk.net
Treasurer: Patty Slaby, Arcadia, WI
Second term, ending 2024 | (715) 497-9849
Email: Pattyslaby135@gmail.com
Board Of Directors
Coleen Kitagawa, Richfield, MN
Second term ending in 2025 | (612) 964-2005
E-mail: kitagawa@mysero.net
Jennifer Dubbin, Saint Paul, MN
1st term ending 2025 | (651) 334-8895
E-mail: lyndidog@comcast.net
Gary Boettcher, St Paul, MN
1st term ending 2024 (651) 200-7020
Marian Haslerud, Bloomington, MN
First Term Ending 2024, (612) 206-5883
marianhaslerud642 @gmail.com
Mike Vining, Minneapolis, MN
First Term Ending 2024, (612) 408-7652

ACBM Standing Committee Chairs
To reach any of our standing committees, see chair info below.
Membership: Nancy Schadegg (612) 798-5178
Email Nancy.schadegg@comcast.net
Budget and Fundraising: Patty Slaby (608) 323-3614
Email Pattyslaby135@gmail.com
• Advocacy: Jeff West (763) 479-9709 
• Email WestJeffrey123@gmail.com
Editorial Committee: Catalina Martinez (612) 227-3011
E-mail: catalina229@gmail.com
Social Committee: Michael Malver (612) 673-0664
Email mmalver@gmail.com