Minnesota Memo Summer 2022

PO box 23543
Richfield, MN 55423
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the position of the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota. They are the views of the article’s author.
Product and service information is provided as a resource only and not as an endorsement of a particular product or service.


Catalina Martinez, Editor
E-mail: catalina229@gmail.com
Barb Appleby,
E-mail: barbaraaappleby@gmail.com
Marian Haslerud,
E-mail: marian.haslerud642@gmail.com
Michael Lauf: Web Administrator
E-mail: info@myeffectivesolutions.com

Phone numbers of note

SSB main number (651)539-2300
ACBM (612) 223-5543 Leave Message
Apple support for people with disabilities
(877) 204-3930
Microsoft support for people with disabilities
(800) 936-5900
Comcast Support for Persons with Disabilities
(855) 270-0379

You can press the letter H to move from article to article.

Table of Contents

President’s Message By Janet Dickelman
Note From The Editor By Catalina Martinez
ACBM Annual Picnic by Janet Dickelman
Make your voice count by serving on state boards and councils
By Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
ACBM Quarterly meeting by Janet Dickelman
Ever wish you could communicate with your dog? By Dr. Gary Richter
Twin Cities Adaptive Cycling
The Importance of Napping By Daily Om
Walking For ACBM By Carl Nimis
Ways to Connect to ACB Media Programming
Using Webinar and Zoom at the ACB Conference and Convention
ACBM Delegates By Patty Slaby
ADA 32nd Anniversary By Ken Rodgers
Tech corner
Book Nook
Crafter Corner
Recipe Corner
Officers and Board of Directors
ACBM Standing Committee Chairs

President’s Message By Janet Dickelman

As you all know my focus this time of year is on the 2022 American Council of the Blind conference and convention. It is an overly exciting time, holding the first-ever hybrid convention. At our July quarterly meeting anyone who has attended any convention sessions either in-person or virtually will be invited to talk about their convention experience.

Also, this month in our MN memo we’ll hear from our convention delegates Patty Slaby and Colleen Kitagawa about voting during the convention. Any member of ACBM whether or not you have registered for the convention will be able to vote. Watch for your unique voter ID code that will be sent to you via email or if you have no email address by surface mail in large print and braille. Our first voting will take place on Sunday, July 3 after the conclusion of morning general session. The affiliate roll call will be the following morning. After you cast your individual vote make sure to contact the delegates to indicate who you want ACBM to support.
To learn about the candidates for election listen to the ACB Candidates forum on June 15th at 7:00 PM.
Zoom information and ACB media stream information will be sent to the ACBM-ANNOUNCE list.

For those of you not able to join us in Omaha also in this edition of the MN Memo are two handy reference guides; how to connect with ACB Media and zoom commands for online seminar.

The Brenda Dillon Memorial walk “walking everywhere” is a great fund-raiser for ACB and also ACBM. Our team the MN mosquitoes is currently in 4th place. Thank you to all of you who have supported the walk with your donations. A huge thank-you to ACBM member Carl Nimis; read about why he walks for ACBM. Carl will join us at the July quarterly meeting to talk about his walking experiences.

I look forward to seeing each of you on July 23rd at our quarterly meeting, and also on July 30th at our annual picnic and auction.

From The Editor By Catalina Martinez

Well, here we are with another issue of the Minnesota Memo and it is packed! We have 2 new corners that was suggested by the editors. Book nook and tech corner. Book nook will suggest different books from different members, so if you have an enjoyable book in mind just drop us a line. The tech corner is just that. We will be presenting all types of different tech tidbits. If you would like to have a corner of your very own or have an article or suggestion, please send it to catalina229@gmail.com. Enjoy the summer issue of the Minnesota Memo and have a great summer.

ACBM annual Picnic By Janet Dickelman

Our picnic will be held on Saturday July 30th,2022 from 11am to 3:30pm at the home of Doug and Kelly Weidenhaft at 8641 Wentworth Ave Bloomington Mn The cost for the picnic is $15.00.
Our menu is as follows:
Hot dogs
Homemade potato salad
Baked beans
Cole slaw
Potato chips
There will be cookies for dessert.
Please bring items for the auction, baked goods, homemade jams, alcohol, knitted & crocheted items, technology items, jewelry, or any other items you feel will be of interest. Please donate new items only.
Please RSVP to Steve Robertson by July 22nd, There will be no late RSVP accepted.
or call him at (612) 223-5543.
Payment methods:
you may pay for your meal via PayPal at
call treasurer Patty Slaby with your credit card, or send your payment to Box 23543 Richfield, MN 55423 You may also pay by check or cash at the picnic.

Special notes:
When you arrive at the building you will be shown to the party room.
Per building requirements please bring your Covid vaccination card or a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours of the picnic.
The building and outdoor areas are not smoking.
We look forward to seeing you all at the picnic!

Make your voice count by serving on state boards and councils

By Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

Make Your Voice Count
Serve on a Board or Commission!
The State of Minnesota actively seeks people with disabilities to serve on boards, councils and commissions. The lived experience, wisdom, and knowledge of people with disabilities must be front and center when shaping policies, drafting budgets, or shaping programs that impact our communities.
Applying to serve on one of these councils could contribute to your personal and professional development and expand your network. Most of all, your voice, your experience and your advocacy matters! You can help shape a more equitable future for all Minnesotans!

Consider These Councils
There are many groups that directly impact Minnesotans with disabilities. Here are five councils with vacancies you might consider applying for:
• The State Rehabilitation Council-General (SRC) advises and monitors Minnesota’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) program, which serves thousands of people with disabilities statewide by helping them reach their vocational goals. The SRC is currently recruiting for representatives of: business, industry and labor; a community provider of rehabilitation services, and; current or former recipients of vocational rehabilitation services. Apply for open positions.
• The State Rehabilitation Council-Blind (SRC-B) guides and monitors the programs and services of State Services for the Blind. The council ensures that Minnesotans who are blind, Deaf Blind, visually impaired, or who have a print-related disability have the resources they need for employment, living independently, and accessing the printed word in alternative formats. See open positions.
• The Statewide Independent Living Council advances the philosophy of independent living and promotes the integration and full inclusion of people with disabilities into Minnesota communities. See open positions.
• The Minnesota Council on Disability serves people with disabilities in Minnesota through development of effective policy, training, technical resources and collaborations with public and private stakeholders. See open positions.
• The Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, Deaf Blind & Hard of Hearing serves as the principal agency of the state to advocate on issues impacting the 20% of Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing. The Commission identifies barriers to communication access and equal opportunity, develops public policy solutions, and advocates through civic engagement. See open positions.

Check out the boards and commissions page of Minnesota’s Olmstead Implementation Office for more disability-specific opportunities.

Tips on Applying for Open Seats
• Positions might be designated for individuals that meet certain criteria; for instance, some positions are tied to a specific region of Minnesota, a particular community, profession, or stakeholder group. Make sure you fit the criteria for the position.
• Before applying you will need to create an account with an email and password.

Consider Other Boards and Commissions
Minnesota has more than 200 boards, commissions, councils, task forces, and working groups that help shape our economy, promote the arts, preserve the natural beauty of our state, ensure that diverse voices are heard, and so much more! All areas of our civic life are enhanced when Minnesotans with disabilities are at the table. Spend some time on the Secretary of State’s website and see where your gifts and talents might best be used.
Whether you are considering one of the councils or commissions listed above or another, please submit your application as soon as possible so that the governor can make timely appointments to these critical councils and commissions.

ACBM Quarterly Meeting By Janet Dickelman

Hello ACBM members and guests,
Our quarterly meeting will be held on Saturday, July 23rd at Joseph’s
Grill 140 S Wabasha in Saint Paul.
Our social hour will begin at 11:00 and last until noon
lunch will be served at noon.
Our speaker will be Carl Nimis. He will tell us all about his 59 mile walk to benefit ACB and why he does this every year.

Lunch choices:
At our April quarterly meeting ACBM membership made the decision to increase meal costs to $20.00.

Marinated Grilled Chicken Breast, Mandarin Orange, Shiitake Mushroom, Candied Almonds Served Over Mixed Field Greens with a Hoisin Vinaigrette.


Six Strips of Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayonnaise.
There will also be ice cream sundaes for dessert.

meeting Agenda:
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM social Hour
12:00 PM lunch will be served
12:35 PM speaker, carl Nimis
1:00 PM business meeting

committee reports
2022 national convention reports from those who attended the convention in-person or virtually.
special reports from groups of special interest to ACBM members
2:30 PM adjournment

additional items will be added to the agenda at the meeting.


E-mail Steve Robertson with your meal choices at
or call him at (612) 223-5543.
We would appreciate hearing from you by Sunday, JULY 10.

payment methods:
select and pay for your lunch from our website, go to

you can pay via credit card or PayPal from this site.

contact ACBM treasurer Patty Slaby at (608) 323-3614 TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD,

send your payment to
Box 23543
Richfield, MN 55423

pay by check or cash at the meeting.

cancellation policy: If you make a reservation and then find you are unable to attend, please call Steve by noon on Friday, July 22.
If you cancel after that time, you will be responsible for paying for your meal.

We look forward to seeing you in July.

Ever wish you could communicate with your dog? By Dr. Gary Richter

do You ever wish You Could Talk to Your dog and that they could understand?
I know I sure do!

You want to say “I love you” so your dog knows what you mean or “I’ll be back in 5 minutes
You want to let them know that you’ll be free to play with them in just half an hour.

Well, unfortunately there’s no “human to canine” dictionary just yet. But every year, scientists get a little closer to bridging the gap between people-talk… and dog language.

Let’s talk about a few techniques you (and your dog) could actually try, right at home.

If you want to know. What does your dog want?

Consider teaching them to push “communication buttons.” These are buttons that say things like “potty” or “water” or “play” when your dog taps them with a paw or nose. They’re available online, and at pet stores — and here’s what’s really cool:
Some dogs can learn DOZENS of words — and even string them together into simple sentences like “dad play now” or “outside potty.” Now, there are a lot of tutorials about how to use buttons on the web, so I won’t go into a long tutorial here.

Quick Tip: If you’re on the fence about buttons, start by training your dog to “ask” to go out by ringing a bell. It’s a wonderful way to understand when they need to do their business, versus when they’re just barking at the squirrel next door.

Now… bells and buttons are a wonderful way for your dog to talk to YOU, but you’re wondering: what’s the best way to speak TO your dog? Well, according to one study, the answer is simple: Baby talk!

Yep, while dogs may not fully understand us humans, they do respond favorably to tone of voice. Turns out, dogs prefer being spoken to in a higher pitched, upbeat, enthusiastic tone. Kinda like when you’re talking to a baby or little kid. They don’t respond much at all to a flat monotone (like when you’re leaving an official-sounding voicemail). And they react pretty negatively to an angry, aggressive tone.

Want proof? Try this trick (just skip the stern, angry voice so you don’t stress out your pup):
Pick a phrase your dog knows, like “let’s go for a walk” or “are you a good boy?”
Say it to your dog first in a flat monotone — as if you were a robot. Note your dog’s reaction. Then, say it again, in a higher pitched, enthusiastic baby-talk.
Chances are, you’ll notice the difference pretty fast — and if the phrase you picked involves going for a walk, make sure you have that leash ready.

Of course, speaking in a higher tone doesn’t mean your dog will understand everything you say perfectly, but it’s a great tool to praise a dog who is doing a respectable job and it’s perfectly fine to use that stern tone to keep your dog out of danger — like if they’re chasing a raccoon or going near a hot stove.

Of course… when it comes to dog communication, what most people REALLY want to know is: can I have a conversation with my dog? Not yet — but there is one language you both speak: body language. Dogs are HUGE on body language… the wagging tail when they’re happy, the butt in the air when they want to play, the alert ears when they’re feeling cautious. And they can also notice your body language. It may feel a little silly, but if you’re in the mood to play with your dog, try getting on all fours, smiling, and mimicking their “play with me” pose. If you need them to be on alert (like when you’re walking together at night), get their attention, stand up straight, and look around. And if you need them to calm down and take a nap, try lounging near them for a minute.

It’s not the perfect back and forth… but it sure is a start. And the more we can do to understand our pups and get on the same page the stronger that human-dog bond can become — and the happier your pet will be.

To happy and healthy dog years ahead,

Twin Cities Adaptive Cycling

Twin Cities Adaptive Cycling (TCAC) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit adaptive bike share program for youth & adults with disabilities. Located on the Midtown Greenway Trail in South Minneapolis, TCAC has over 30 different kinds of adaptive bikes that we make available for regular use. Our trained and experienced staff and volunteers provide instruction on bike operation for those who are new to adaptive cycling. We also provide tandem pilot services for individuals who are visually impaired or need extra riding support. You can think of us like a bike lending library — sign up for the adaptive bike you want to use and take it for a spin during our open hours.

Minneapolis ranks among the top cities for biking in the country! The city itself has 129 miles of on-street bikeways and 97 miles of off-street paths. Considering this impressive infrastructure and the numerous health benefits of cycling, we believe EVERYONE should have equal access to cycling. Prohibitive costs, storage, and bike transport are common barriers to cycling among individuals living with a disability. Our Mission
To enhance independence and build community through outdoor adaptive cycling.
At TCAC we believe that regular participation in cycling can lead to improved physical and mental health, greater independence, and empower individuals with disabilities to take new risks and expand from their cycling experiences into their life choices. Adaptive cycling allows individuals living with a disability to be outdoors in their community, experience increased mobility, and improve strength and cardiovascular fitness. Cycling also provides opportunities to socialize with others and can increase feelings of self-worth and autonomy.
TCAC has partnered with Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) in order to create more opportunities for middle and high school students with disabilities to bicycle outdoors in their communities with their peers. We look forward to piloting this new program in Summer of 2022. Stay tuned for updates and more information.

Wednesdays: 4pm – 8pm
Fridays (new fittings): 10am – 2pm
Saturdays: 9:30am – 3:00pm

Wednesdays: 4pm – 8pm
Fridays (new fittings): 10am – 2pm
Saturdays: 9:30am – 3:00pm

We are located on the Athletic Field of Sullivan STEAM/Anishinaabe Academy, 3100 28th Street East Minneapolis, MN 55406. Look for 2 gray shipping containers.
We’ve gone on 1,498 rides…and counting! TWIN CITIES
(612) 208-8764


The Importance of Napping By Daily Om

The desire for a short nap during the day does not arise out of laziness, the need for the body to rejuvenate.

In the modern world, we’re often compelled to be as productive as possible during as many hours of the day as we can be. While this can lead to great feats of accomplishment, we may become exhausted and find ourselves craving rest and rejuvenation. We may want to take a nap but feel guilty about indulging in even ten minutes of rest. This need for personal downtime, which many people experience in the early afternoon, isn’t a sign of laziness nor is it necessarily related to how much sleep you had the night before. There was even a time when taking a nap was considered a natural part of everyone’s day.

Napping is a pleasurable yet brief period of sleep when our minds and bodies can take a break. Though judged by many to be a pastime for children or the elderly, napping can benefit people of all ages. The desire to nap is a trait shared by many mammals, and napping is still an important part of the day in some countries. Snoozing for a half-hour can be an enjoyable way to promote physical well-being, and naps have been known to improve your mood and memory. A 20-minute nap can sharpen your senses and revitalize you, while a ten-minute nap can leave you feeling more cheerful. Falling into a light sleep during the daytime can feel meditative. The thoughts you have as you are taking a nap and the dreams you experience may offer you insights about your life that you may not have at night when you are in a deep sleep.

In order to fully enjoy the benefits of napping, you may need to give yourself permission to nap. Feeling guilty about snoozing or worrying about your to-do list won’t do you much good when you are trying to take a nap because your thoughts or feelings will keep you awake. Try to nap at the same time each day and use an alarm clock to ensure that you don’t sleep for too long. If you go to an office, try crawl under your desk for a nap. Learning to nap and enjoy its restorative benefits can help you wake up restored, rejuvenated, and ready for the rest of your day.

Walking for ACBM By Carl Nimis

Carl Nimis will join us at our July quarterly meeting to Talk about his fund-raising walk for ACB. In honor of his 59th birthday he walked 59 miles. Read on for Carl’s words as to why he does this.

I started walking at 3:00 pm Saturday and finished walking 59.5 miles on Sunday at 5:30 am. That is my third fastest mph rate of +4.1 mph and I have been doing these walks since 1972 when my uncle inspired me to take on this type of activity.
I participate in this type of marathon for a couple of reasons. This is a form of physical fasting that help me be more grateful and forgiving with understanding others. This is a way I find to help others by using this physical fast to raise money for special causes to help others. As I am walking, I reflect on the past year good/bad performances, short comings and accomplishments. I then set a plan of action and goals in many areas of my life. I then will understand that I have been blessed and well off in my life where I am thankful. This is why one walks 59.5 miles.

Ways to Connect to ACB Media Programming

Amazon Alexa enabled device (RECOMMENDED)
Alexa “Ask ACB Media to play Median.” (n = stream number). For example, to listen to General Session during National Convention; “Alexa, ask ACB Media to play 1”

PC / browser access (RECOMMENDED):
Visit acbmedia.org at http://www.acbmedia.org/n (n= stream number). The site has a built-in media player and there is no need to install or use a media player on your device. Hit the play button and the stream will begin playing immediately.

Smart device Access (RECOMMENDED):
Download “ACB Link” from your app store. Find “Radio” along the bottom of the screen, then “Menu” in the top left corner. Select “Streams” and then choose the stream you wish to listen to. Double tap the play button.

Victor Reader Stream Access:
Navigate to “Internet radio library” in the “online bookshelf.” Locate the Humanware playlist. From the playlist, select ACB Media n (n = stream number) and hit play.

Dial-In Access for programming originating in Zoom:
Dial the Zoom access number provided with the schedule information for the session. When prompted, enter the meeting / webinar ID followed by #. You will hear the exact same program that is being streamed on ACB Media.

Alternate Dial-In access (not recommended)
Dial 1 (518) 906-1820. Listen to the menu prompts and press the number for the stream you want. Please note that this is a free service provided by Zeno Media. This service is limited in terms of simultaneous listeners and ACB does not warrant this service. If dial-in is your only option and the program is originating in Zoom, we recommend that you dial-in to the Zoom meeting / webinar directly (see above).

The ACB Radio Tuner is no longer supported. If you used the tuner in the past, you may access all ACB Media streams from acbmedia.org (see above)
If you are using alternate ways to access ACB Media streams than those above (such as Tune In or Winamp using acbradio.org URL’s, we kindly ask that you use one of the methods above.

Using Webinar and Zoom at the ACB Conference and Convention

All General sessions and most workshops/seminars will be offered to convention attendees using the Zoom webinar. It is different from the usual Zoom program in that You will not be able to turn on your camera and will not have an unmute button unless you are given permission by the Zoom host to unmute.
You may need to input your email and name to join from a PC or Mac. ACB does not receive this information, and it is only used by Zoom to make sure you are not a robot.
When you enter the session, you will receive an announcement that the call is being recorded but you will not need to take any action.
In Webinar use these commands to raise your hand and to unmute, both of which are toggles:
On the pc – raise hand: alt-Y, mute and unmute: alt-A when the prompt is given.
On the Mac – Raise hand: option-Y, mute and unmute command-shift-A.
From the app – Raise hand: on the main screen, mute and unmute from the main screen when the prompt is given.
From a phone keypad – Raise hand: star (*) 9, mute and unmute: star (*) 6.

Some affiliate business meetings, smaller or informal workshops and some virtual social events will be offered to convention attendees using the standard Zoom platform.
When entering a Zoom room: You will need to locate the “got it” button to accept that the call is being recorded before you will be allowed to unmute.
From the PC: Tab to the “got it” button and enter (use f6 until it appears if not available on the main screen.
From the Mac: Once the meeting opens and you hear the call is being recorded, hit enter and it will activate the “got it” button.
From the app: Swipe to OK to accept the call is being recorded.
From a phone keypad: No action is needed.
In a regular Zoom room use these commands to raise your hand and unmute, both of which are toggles:
From a pc – raise hand: alt-Y, mute and unmute: alt-A.
From the Mac – Raise hand: option-Y, mute and unmute: command-shift-A.
From the app – Raise hand: under “more” in the lower right corner, mute and unmute: in lower left corner.
From a phone keypad – Raise hand: star (*) 9, mute and unmute: star (*) 6.

Please note: All events are recorded.

ACB Delegates By Patty Slaby

Greetings ACBM Members:
Your delegates for the ACB Conference and Convention are Patty Slaby and Colleen Kitagawa.
Here is the information to contact the two of us during the ACB Conference and Convention.

Patty Slaby: Cell phone 715-497-9849
E-mail: Pattyslaby135@gmail.com

Colleen Kitagawa: cell phone 612-964-2005
E-mail: kitagawa@mysero.net

Here are the dates each of us will be the person to contact so you can let us know what your vote is. You will also be voting for each candidate or other ACB Constitutional changes.
July 2 Patty
July 3 Patty
July 4 Patty
July 5 Colleen
July 6 Colleen
July 7 Patty
July 11 Patty
July 12 Colleen
July 13 Patty

I will send an email to the announce list each day to remind you who to contact.
Let your vote count.

ADA 32nd Anniversary By Ken Rodgers

ADA 32nd Anniversary: Save the Date!
Accessible adventures await! This is the theme of this year’s annual event to acknowledge and celebrate the signing of the ADA by our Minnesota community.
On July 26, the ADA 32nd Anniversary event will celebrate that “Minnesota has more to explore.” The free, 90-minute virtual event from 12noon to 1:30 p.m. will showcase a variety of accessible programs, activities, and facilities that offer a range of options to explore the great outdoors (some, even from indoors!). After more than two long years of coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, the ADA anniversary planning committee is organizing a celebration that will help us reconnect with one another and nature in new and exciting ways. Plan to join this informative, fun event to learn about a variety of organizations, state agencies, and others that offer a range of accessible adventures across our state. The event is free and open to the public.
Stay tuned and for more details to be shared about this event check out this site Event https://www.facebook.com/CelebrateADAMNFacebook

Thank you to the ADA 32nd Anniversary Planning Committee members for their work and dedication in making this event possible!
Go to https://minnstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_H3NHa9wGSXu_SpOSol9csw to register for this virtual event!

Tech Corner

JAWS Power Tip: How To Navigate Your Outlook Inbox Like A Table
Courtesy of Freedom Scientific

By default JAWS reads the highlighted item in your Inbox as you move up and down through your emails.
Let’s say that you know the Subject of the email and don’t want to be bothered by hearing who it was from, importance, if it has an attachment, etc.
All you need to do is use the Table Layered Command of INSERT+SPACE followed by the letter “T”.
Now you can move through the different columns of an email.
Once you move to Subject, you can then press down arrow to move down the subjects of your Inbox.
Once you find the email you are interested in you can press ENTER and your email will be opened.
You will notice the tone indicating Table Layered Mode is now off.
You can also use CTRL+ALT+ARROW keys to move left or right on an email in your Inbox without running Table layered Mode.
This will not work for moving up and down, just moving left and right.
Note that this works on any folder containing emails.
The Power of JAWS!

Free Guide for Blind iPhone Users
After two years, Michael Feir has released Personal Power: Getting the Most From iOS as a Totally Blind User. This second edition of his guide is available free to all in several formats. Get the guide at:

Pioneering Accessible Navigation — Indoors And Outdoors
The popular navigation app, Blind Square has been updated. Expanded support for Bluetooth hearing aids, Adding Movie integration and turn-by-turn directions are among the improvements:

Pioneering accessible navigation – indoors and outdoors

Review: Reizen Talking Label Wand
Labeling items in your environment is an essential task if you’re blind but finding a quick and convenient way to do so can be a challenging process. Braille labels often mandate an arts-and-crafts session to type up, cut out, and place. Bump dots require you to create a code for yourself that you still have to remember. The Reizen Talking Label Wand offers an excellent solution to these shortcomings. The wand, which is about the length of an average adult hand, comes with packs of adhesive labels that you apply to objects by touching the tip of the wand to the sticker and speaking the information you want to include. To hear the label read the information again, simply touch the wand to the sticker, and your message will be played back to you. The Reizen has many different uses that can significantly increase independence, which makes this tool a powerful resource for people with visual disabilities:

Breaking: Android 13 will Include Built-in Braille Support, Supplanting Braille Back
Android 13 will finally include built-in braille support without the need to download a separate app. The feature was announced by Google’s Nimer Jaber during a session at this year’s IO conference:

Human-Narrated Audiobooks (Beta) Are Here
Book share announced that they are adding over 5,000 audiobooks to its library for members to download. Previously, Book share’s offerings were text-only, which members used text-to-speech software to access:

Microsoft Adding Accessibility Features To Windows 11
Last year, Microsoft announced a commitment to closing the disability divide and to work toward improving educational employment opportunities for people with disabilities around the world. The Windows 11 launch, last fall, included a whole host of accessibility improvements, such as appealing sound schemes, closed caption customizations, and a more responsive and flexible experience for working with assistive technologies and accessibility. Since its launch, Microsoft is adding additional features, such as system-wide live captions and more powerful voice access tools:

Microsoft adding accessibility features to Windows 11

7 Common Mistakes That Are Damaging Your Smartphone
Everyone does it. We’re all human. But, if you avoid these mistakes, your smartphone is guaranteed to last longer:

Google Drive Is Finally Getting Cut, Copy And Paste Keyboard Shortcuts
How did these shortcuts not already exist?

Book Nook

I just love getting books from the NLS talking book library. Did you know you can get music books too?
There is quite a selection of audio books on learning how to play various instruments and even on singing. There are many selections of braille music.

You can download them from the BARD website or call your talking book library and ask them how you can get the music books. On the main BARD website there is a link that will take you to all the music selections. It is just before the magazines link.

Where else can you download and read books that are out of print? So many interesting old books.
There is another place where you can get audio books that are older and out of print.
I love this free service. You can get a variety of selections from many genres.

LibriVox | free public domain audiobooks

LibriVox audiobooks are free for anyone to listen to, on their computers, iPods or other mobile device, or to burn onto a CD.
I use the app by the same name on my iPhone. I just love a delightful book!

Finding Laura Buggs DBC16568
West, Stanley Gordon Reading time: 9 hours, 2 minutes.
Kristin Galles A production of Minnesota State Services for the Blind, Communication Center.

Growing Up
Historical Mystery Fiction

A companion novel to Until They Bring The Streetcars Back, Stanley West returns to the same neighborhoods. The Saint Paul/Minneapolis-in 1949. Sandy Meyer.an adopted child, grew up through the Great Depression and the World War II years. She is given a clue to her past that sets her on a journey to find her lost family. Unrated.

The nightingale DB81189
Hannah, Kristin Reading time: 18 hours, 54 minutes.
Laura Giannarelli A production of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.

Historical Fiction
War Stories

France, 1939. Vianne Mauriac sends her husband off to war, while her younger sister Isabelle runs off to Paris, claiming an affair. Once there, Isabelle becomes involved in the Resistance. The invading Nazis occupy vianne’s home. Violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2015.

Wish you were here: a novel DB105742
Picoult, Jodi Reading time: 11 hours, 50 minutes.
Marin Ireland

Suspense Fiction

Diana believes her boyfriend Finn is planning to propose on a romantic getaway to the Galápagos. When a virus hits New York, Finn has to stay behind but urges Diana to go on the trip alone. She arrives just as the borders close, and her isolation gives her time to think. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2021.

The yada yada prayer group. Books 1-3 DB103755
Jackson, Neta Reading time: 36 hours, 4 minutes.
Maggy Stacy

Religious Fiction
Friendship Fiction

Three novels of Christian fiction written between 2003 and 2005, in which a diverse group of women come together in friendship and prayer to support each other. Includes The Yada Yada Prayer Group, The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down, and The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real. 2005.

The Yada Yada prayer group. Books 4-7 DB103757
Jackson, Neta Reading time: 42 hours, 52 minutes.
Maggy Stacy

Religious Fiction
Friendship Fiction

Four novels about a prayer group of supportive women, originally written between 2005 and 2007. Includes The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Tough, The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught, The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Rolling, and The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out. 2007.

The Crafty Corner

Ocean Grove Round Washcloth
Pattern Number: 90402AD
By Lion Brand Yarn

Add some style to your cleaning routine with this fun round washcloth.
SIZE: One Size
About 9 in. (23 cm) diameter
• 760-145 Lion Brand Lion Cotton Yarn: Orchid
1 Ball
• Lion Brand Crochet Hook – Size 3-10
• Lion Brand Stitch Markers
• Large-Eye Blunt Needles (Set of 6)

ch(s) = chain(s) ch-space = space previously made
dc = double crochet hdc = half double crochet
rep = repeat(s)(ing) rd(s) = round(l
Sc = single crochet sk = skip
sl st = slip stitch sp(s) = space(s)
st(s) = stitch(es)

Exact gauge is not important to this project
This design begins by working an adjustable ring to create a neat, closed center on the finished Washcloth.
Adjustable ring method: Wrap yarn around index finger. Insert hook into ring on finger, yarn over and draw up a loop. Carefully slip ring from finger and work the stitches of Rnd 1 (in pattern, below) into the ring. When Rnd 1 is complete gently, but firmly, pull tail to close up the ring.
Washcloth is worked in continuous rnds. Do NOT join and do NOT turn at the end of rnds.
WASHCLOTH Following the Technique Explanation above, make an adjustable ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 1. Work 9 sc in ring; do not join. Place marker to indicate beginning of rnd. Move marker up as each rnd
is completed.
Rnd 2: Work 2 hdc in each sc around – 18 hdc at the end of this rnd.
Rnd 3: (2 dc in next hdc, ch 1, sk next hdc) 9 times — 18 dc and 9 ch-1 sps at end of this rnd.
Rnds 4-8: (2 dc in next dc, dc in each dc to next ch-1 sp, ch 1, sk ch-1 sp) 9 times.
Rnd 9: (2 dc in next dc, dc in next 6 dc, ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp) 5 times, sl st in each st to end of rnd. Fasten off.
Weave in ends.

Round Dishcloth
By Unknown

This pattern has been around for years. My mother gave me this pattern in the late 1970’s. The source is unknown.

Finished Size: Depends on your individual gauge. Mine range from 10-12″ across.
Materials: 4-ply cotton yarn, such as Peaches and Cream; knitting needles of appropriate size to match the yarn (I use size 8).
Cast on 15 sts.
Row 1: knit
Row 2: k3, YO, k until one st remains on left needle. DO NOT KNIT LAST ST, turn.
Row 3 (and all odd rows): knit
Row 4: k3, YO, k until 2 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 6: k3, YO, k until 3 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 8: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 4 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 10: k3, YO, k until 5 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row12: k3, YO, k until 6 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 14: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 7 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 16: k3, YO, k until 8 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 18: k3, YO, k until 9 sts rem on left ndl. Turn.
Row 20: Bind off 3 sts, knit across (15sts total).
Repeat rows 1-20 seven more times. Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing the seam. Sew cast on edge to bind off edge, and sew around center and pull to close hole.
To make a larger circle:
I recommend making one following the pattern above first, so you understand the flow, before using these rough notes on how to make a larger circle.
The number you cast on must be a multiple of 3 stitches. 15, 18, 21 ect.
We will now knit 8 wedges to finish the circle. How many rows each wedge has in it will change depending on how much you cast on.
First wedge:
Row 1: knit
Row 2: k3, YO, k until one st remains on left needle. DO NOT KNIT LAST ST, turn.
Row 3 (and all odd rows): knit
Row 4: k3, YO, k until 1 more stitch then last time sts remains on left ndl. Turn.
Row 6: k3, YO, k until 1 more stitch then last time remains on left ndl. Turn.
*Row 8: Bind off 3 sts, k2, YO, k until 1 more stitch then last time remains on left ndl. Turn. (this row creates what I refer to as a scallop. This row will be different on the very last scallop of each wedge. See below)
Repeat these 8 rows, until the row 8 in which you have created 1 less scallop then multiple of 3 you cast on. So if you cast on 15 stitches, each wedge will have 4 scallops in it. If you cast on 21 stitches, each wedge will have 6 scallops in it.
On the last row 8 of your wedge, do not yarn over, and do not turn. On that last row 8 of each wedge, you will cast off three, and then you will knit to the end of the row. You should have the same number of stitches here that you had when you cast on.
This is 1 wedge completed. Now start back at row 1. Repeat for a total of 7 wedges.
I hope that makes sense, let me know of any advice on how to write that more succinctly.

The Recipe Corner

Grilled chicken bacon ranch Pasta salad
By Barb Appleby

Grilled chicken or left-over chicken
Bacon fried, crisp
Pasta any kind Shells for example
cherry tomatoes
Avocado cut in bite size pieces
Red onion chopped
Ranch dressing
Cheddar cheese or Feta cheese
Use the amounts of ingredients you would like

Rhubarb slush
By Barb Appleby

20 servings

6 cups fresh rhubarb chopped
2 cups white sugar
1 can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 6 oz frozen lemonade
1 cup gin or vodka
3 cups water
1 2-liter bottle lemon-lime carbonated beverage
1. Cover rhubarb in water and cover overheat bring to boil and put in blender until blended
2. Blend all ingredients together except for the soda.
Place in freezer overnight add soda to drink when serving.

Officers and Board of Directors

President: Janet Dickelman, Saint Paul, MN
First term ending 2023 | (651) 428-5059
E-mail: janet.dickelman@gmail.com
Vice president: Steve Robertson, Minneapolis, MN
1st term ending 2024 | (612) 819-5222
Email: stevetrobertson4@gmail.com
Secretary: Jennifer Dubbin, Saint Paul, MN
1st term ending 2023 | (651) 334-8895
E-mail: lyndidog@comcast.net
Treasurer: Patty Slaby, Arcadia, WI
1st term, ending 2024 | (715) 497-9849
Email: Pattyslaby135@gmail.com
Board Of Directors
Coleen Kitagawa, Richfield, MN
1st term ending in 2023 | (612) 964-2005
E-mail: kitagawa@mysero.net
Therese Dahlberg, Eagan, MN
1st term ending 2023 | (612) 819-2904
E-mail: Thereseda1965@gmail.com
Gary Boettcher, St Paul, MN
1st term ending 2024 (651) 200-7020
Marian Haslerud, Bloomington, MN
First Term Ending 2024, (612) 206-5883
marianhaslerud642 @gmail.com
Mike Vining, Minneapolis, MN
First Term Ending 2024, (612) 408-7652

ACBM Standing Committee Chairs

To reach any of our standing committees, see chair info below.
Membership: Nancy Schadegg (612) 798-5178
Email Nancy.schadegg@comcast.net
Budget and Fundraising: Patty Slaby (608) 323-3614
Email Pattyslaby135@gmail.com
• Advocacy: Jeff West (763) 479-9709
• Email WestJeffrey123@gmail.com
Editorial Committee: Catalina Martinez (612) 227-3011
E-mail: catalina229@gmail.com
Social Committee: Michael Malver (612) 673-0664
Email mmalver@gmail.com